Happy 53rd Birthday to my Father and Happy Teachers' Day
Ok I went back to Swiss Cottage on Thursday (31-8-06). Damn I guess I really missed Swiss and the food there. Especially the spaghetti with lots of cheese inside.. Haha guess Peggy missed the spaghetti too.. Want go eat also cannot.. This pic explains it all:

Haha back to the topic.. I was late la.. Supposed to meet from 8.30 - 9.. In the end, I only left my house at around 9.40 and reached Swiss at 10+ lolz. By the time I reached Swiss, a lot of 5N3 ppl went off liao :( So I ended up with Kangwen and co. but they went off too even before meeting up with all the teachers. So I went around the school with Peggy, Bomb, Moooooooooo, Junning and KJ.
Sianz la.. A lot of the teachers who taught me have either retired or resigned or not teaching Swiss liao. Ah Lee, Mrs Lee Jee Pang (NOT Siew Chin hor) and especially Mrs Chin. Wo zhui dui bu qi de jiu shi Mrs Chin liao la. SORRY ah Mrs Chin.
Anyway, I talked quite a lot with the other teachers.. Haha apparently I'm still that famous (or rather infamous) in Swiss =) Lolz like what Miss Yeo said, all the teachers in Swiss know who am I except those new teachers. Haha anyway, I wished all or rather most of the teachers a Happy Teachers' Day.. No presents though :D

Kang Jie (Kongji), me, Peggy and Kangrui (Bomb) [The 2E6 peeps]
This one's better (but more blur thx to Peggy's lousy hp), everyone's smiling.. Yeah quote from Peggy's blog, "never thought the 4 of us would take a pic tgt" especially Kang Jie and Peggy tgt in 1 pic lolz.. Lolz Kang Jie didn't know we were taking these 2 pics all along.
Mr Goh and I.. Haha Mr Goh pointed middle finger to me in front of the whole class before (jokingly of course).. Haha that time I damn shocked la lolz.
Lan lao shi and I. She said I am more mature now =)
Group photo with Mr Ang and Miss Tay (Principal of Swiss Cottage aka The Extra). Haha just kidding la.
Bak Gua, my form teacher Ah Lee and I.. Yes he's the one I smsed vulgarities to.. Haha I apologised to him liao la.. That time was I yi shi chong dong.. Now I realised that he's actually a good teacher.. At least he cares. =) Anyway, he's not teaching in Swiss liao :(
Swiss Cottage!! Swiss Cottage!! Blaze a path of glory!! Forget how to continue liao...
Sianz Mrs Wai and Miss Yeo don't want take photo.. Mrs Wai say that she everytime "da du zhi" that time then I come find her take pic lolz.. True.
Ok I know I'm not photogenic.. Well some good-looking ppl are not photogenic. You get my point here? =) I guess I look better in photos by showing lj bin like below:
My Bro KJ and I on the bus pointing middle finger and heck-caring the ppl behind us lolz.
Another lj bin photo.. LOLZ KJ!!
I like this pic.
Paiseh 1st time uploading pics into blog so the resizing might be a little off.. Anyway it's time for TB11 chalet!! Haha more pics to come... =)
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