My Shouting Place

Sunday, September 02, 2007

My Father's Birthday + updates

Some updates about my life but 1st of all, I wish a very Happy 54th Birthday (1-9-07) to my beloved Dad.

Just finished the 1st week of my attachment at ********* (can't blog it). Still can't really get used to waking up so early in the morning to report to work. The most sian thing is I have to work for 5.5 days a week including saturdays. Oh and btw, I was only having lectures for my training this whole week. That's around 33 hrs of lecture in 1 week!!!! Let's hope things will get better and more interesting starting next week. Btw, I heard from my Brother (NP Alumni) that our ITP = 2 modules. Is that true? Can anyone confirm this? If it's true, then I can safely say I pretty much screwed up the 1st week lolz.

Well had a pretty eventful week going out after work. I realised how easy it was to get to see NP ppl just by going down to town at night and eating subway or sth. Anyway I went down to Mediacorp to catch the live show of Live The Dream on Wednesday night with Peg, Junning, Dan and Deyu (Thx to Peg's tickets). My 1st time watching a live show in a Mediacorp theatre and it really feels a lot different watching it live than watching it on tv. Haha before wednesday, I totally didn't know who is competing, who are the judges, who are the hosts of Live The Dream. Took some photos but lazy to post them up here. I'll post some of them up on friendster. Btw, I think Andrea Fonseka is hot. Lolz I didn't even know such a person existed even when Deyu told me about her before the show began (that day was her birthday somemore). Oh ya quote from Dan's blog, "We keep on kpkb. The Ah neh in front of us damn lol. after hearing us kpkb. HE JOIN US kpkb. LOL.'THIS IS NOT THE KEN SHOW!''DICK YOU'RE SUCH A DICK'LOL. Buay tahan." LOLZ how could I forget this? Only remembered it after seeing Dan's blog. That Indian guy (I think Indian la) shouted damn loud. The judges confirmed can hear wan. He like went siao after the results for the ppl qualifying for the wildcard round came out. Hahaha Junning even told him "Superb." with a thumbs-up LOLZ.

These few days quite emo ah.. I keep thinking about my life. I have fun sometimes but it's like I'm not really happy as in I got this shit feeling inside me that I'm enjoying all I can but I'm not putting in effort for the things that I should be doing like work, exams etc. Seems like I'm missing a goal in my life right now. Nothing really seems to motivate me. My future seems uncertain too. The exams have affected me quite a lot. I have this stupid thinking that since I already screwed up my exams, I should just breeze through the ITP with minimum effort. Sounds dumb right? Yeah I know that's why I'm trying to change my mindset now. I think it's all in my mindset that's holding me back like what Peg said.

P.S. Couldn't make it back to Swiss for Teacher's Day celebration. Sucks that I had to work on both days.


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