My Shouting Place

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

1st time staying in a hotel in Singapore

Yeah like what the title says.. I stayed in a hotel with my parents last Saturday (9-9-06) and checked out on Sunday (10-9-06).. Think the name of the hotel is Grand Copthorne Waterfront.. Haha was quite nice la.. The room was a little small though. =X Np, it was FREE-OF-CHARGE :D

I guess the only bad thing about the stay was the swimming.. Zzzzzz been like months, maybe even a year since I last swam and the 1st thing that happened before I started swimming was that my goggles broke.. Zzzzz I just hold it then the link (whatever you call the thing that rests on your nose) broke.. I tried to fix it and then more fragments of the goggles fly off -.- Totally spoilt my mood la.. I hate swimming without goggles.. Cos I got short-sightedness and without goggles, I'll really be swimming around without knowing where am I.. In the end I only swam a while.. Besides, it was at night and the pool was really cold.


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What's this? Haha this was taken on Friday (8-9-06) when I went to KBox with Peggy, Mooooo and Bak Gua.. As you can see we (or rather I) made a mess with the food on the floor. =) Oh ya I still have the videos of Peggy and Mooooooo singing.. Hahaha don't worry, they are inside my personal collection. =)

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Enter Room 1802...

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Day view of the hotel tennis court from our room.

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Night view of the hotel tennis court from our room.

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Nice view from our room window.

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Night version of the previous pic.

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Another view from our room.

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Night version.. Haha can see my reflection on the window.

Btw, I heard the song "Hao Xin Hao Bao" being played while playing pool with Nose on Tuesday.. Haha shocked me sia.. I listen to this song for almost or maybe even 2 years liao 1st time hear the song being played in public here in Singapore.. Maybe I made the song famous? =)


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