My Shouting Place

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy 23rd Birthday to my Brother

Yeah first of all, I'm wishing my Brother a Happy 23rd Birthday.. Also, a Happy 19th Birthday to my favourite cousin Tze Heng aka Son (22-9-06) and Happy 17th Birthday to Zheng Hao aka N00b (21-9-06) :D

Alright, luckily I'm feeling slightly better now.. If not I'm sure this post will be filled with a whole load of vulgarities (doesn't mean it will be free of vulgarities either).. The thing is, I lost my hp today.. Yes, on my Bro's Birthday.. Last time I lose my hp I also don't care.. Cos last time all my hp are those CMI kind.. Free-of-charge wan.. Now finally I got my very 1st camera hp and then some cb stole it from me.. I don't know how I lost it la.. All I can say is that if that motherfucking retard who has down syndrome ain't gonna give it to the police or at least try to return it to me, he will REALLY become a motherfucking retard with a fking horrible case of down syndrome awaiting him/her.. Oh ya if it's a "her", then she's a fatherfucking fofo.

No idea why bad things seem to be happening to me lately.. First it's the fked up results, then it's the unexpected change of classes for next sem, now it's the fking irritating eczema condition that doesn't seem to want to fking leave even after 1 month, last but not least, it's this fking incident of some retard stealing my hp on my Bro's birthday..

Ok pardon the vulgarities (or the lack of it).. At least I'm damn glad that my Parents and my Bro nvr yelled at me and still stayed calm.. Thanks!! My family is still the most important to me after all.. :D


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